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- From: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu (Mark Kantrowitz)
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp,news.answers
- Subject: FAQ: Lisp Frequently Asked Questions 1/6 [Monthly posting]
- Summary: Introductory Matter and Bibliography of Introductions and References
- Message-ID: <lisp-faq-1.text_724237235@cs.cmu.edu>
- Date: 13 Dec 92 09:01:07 GMT
- Article-I.D.: cs.lisp-faq-1.text_724237235
- Expires: Tue, 26 Jan 1993 09:00:35 GMT
- Sender: news@cs.cmu.edu (Usenet News System)
- Reply-To: lisp-faq@think.com
- Followup-To: poster
- Organization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
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- Nntp-Posting-Host: a.gp.cs.cmu.edu
- Archive-name: lisp-faq/part1
- Last-Modified: Thu Nov 5 19:30:40 1992 by Mark Kantrowitz
- Version: 1.27
- ;;; ****************************************************************
- ;;; Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Lisp ***************
- ;;; ****************************************************************
- ;;; Written by Mark Kantrowitz and Barry Margolin
- ;;; lisp-faq-1.text -- 60654 bytes
- This post contains Part 1 of the Lisp FAQ.
- If you think of questions that are appropriate for this FAQ, or would
- like to improve an answer, please send email to us at lisp-faq@think.com.
- Note that the lisp-faq mailing list is for discussion of the content
- of the FAQ posting only. It is not the place to ask questions about Lisp;
- use either the common-lisp@ai.sri.com mailing list or the
- comp.lang.lisp newsgroup for that. If a question appears frequently
- in one of those forums, it will get added to the FAQ list.
- There are currently six parts to the Lisp FAQ:
- 1. Introductory Matter and Bibliography of Introductions and References
- 2. General Questions
- 3. Common Programming Pitfalls
- 4. Lisp/Scheme Implementations and Mailing Lists
- 5. CLOS and PCL Questions
- 6. FTP Archives and Resources
- All parts are posted to comp.lang.lisp. Part 4 is cross-posted to the
- comp.lang.scheme newsgroup. Part 5 is cross-posted to the
- comp.lang.clos newsgroup.
- Topics Covered (Part 1):
- [1-0] What is the purpose of this newsgroup?
- [1-1] What documentation is available on Lisp? How can I learn Lisp?
- [1-2] How can I improve my Lisp programming style and coding efficiency?
- [1-3] Where can I learn about implementing Lisp interpreters and compilers?
- [1-4] What does CLOS, PCL, X3J13, CAR, CDR, ... mean?
- [1-5] Where can I get a copy of the draft ANSI standard for Common Lisp?
- [1-6] Lisp Job Postings
- Topics Covered (Part 2):
- [2-1] Is there a GNU-Emacs interface to Lisp?
- [2-3] What is the equivalent of EXPLODE and IMPLODE in Common Lisp?
- [2-4] Is Lisp inherently slower than more conventional languages such as C?
- [2-5] Why does Common Lisp have "#'"?
- [2-6] How do I call non-Lisp functions from Lisp?
- [2-7] Can I call Lisp functions from other languages?
- [2-8] I want to call a function in a package that might not exist at
- compile time. How do I do this?
- [2-9] What is CDR-coding?
- [2-10] What is garbage collection?
- [2-11] How do I save an executable image of my loaded Lisp system?
- How do I run a Unix command in my Lisp?
- How do I get the current directory name from within a Lisp program?
- [2-12] I'm porting some code from a Symbolics Lisp machine to some
- other platform, and there are strange characters in the code.
- What do they mean?
- [2-13] History: Where did Lisp come from?
- [2-14] How do I find the argument list of a function?
- How do I get the function name from a function object?
- [2-15] How can I have two Lisp processes communicate via unix sockets?
- Common Pitfalls (Part 3):
- [3-0] Why does (READ-FROM-STRING "foobar" :START 3) return FOOBAR
- instead of BAR?
- [3-1] Why can't it deduce from (READ-FROM-STRING "foobar" :START 3)
- that the intent is to specify the START keyword parameter
- rather than the EOF-ERROR-P and EOF-VALUE optional parameters?
- [3-2] Why can't I apply #'AND and #'OR?
- [3-3] I used a destructive function (e.g. DELETE, SORT), but it
- didn't seem to work. Why?
- [3-4] After I NREVERSE a list, it's only one element long. After I
- SORT a list, it's missing things. What happened?
- [3-5] Why does (READ-LINE) return "" immediately instead of waiting
- for me to type a line?
- [3-6] I typed a form to the read-eval-print loop, but nothing happened. Why?
- [3-7] DEFMACRO doesn't seem to work.
- When I compile my file, LISP warns me that my macros are undefined
- functions, or complains "Attempt to call <function> which is
- defined as a macro.
- [3-8] Name conflict errors are driving me crazy! (EXPORT, packages)
- [3-9] Closures don't seem to work properly when referring to the
- iteration variable in DOLIST, DOTIMES and DO.
- [3-10] What is the difference between FUNCALL and APPLY?
- [3-11] Miscellaneous things to consider when debugging code.
- [3-12] When is it right to use EVAL?
- [3-13] Why does my program's behavior change each time I use it?
- [3-14] When producing formatted output in Lisp, where should you put the
- newlines (e.g., before or after the line, FRESH-LINE vs TERPRI,
- ~& vs ~% in FORMAT)?
- [3-15] I'm using DO to do some iteration, but it doesn't terminate.
- Lisp/Scheme Implementations and Mailing Lists (Part 4):
- [4-0] Free Lisp implementations.
- [4-1] Commercial Lisp implementations.
- [4-2] Free Scheme implementations.
- [4-3] Commercial Scheme implementations.
- [4-4] Other Commercial Lisp-like Language implementations.
- [4-5] Where can I get an implementation of Prolog in Lisp?
- [4-6] What is Dylan?
- [4-7] What Lisp-related discussion groups and mailing lists exist?
- [4-8] What are R4RS and IEEE P1178?
- [4-9] How do I do object-oriented programming in Scheme?
- CLOS Questions (Part 5):
- [5-0] What is CLOS (PCL) and where can I get it?
- How do you pronounce CLOS?
- [5-1] What documentation is available about object-oriented
- programming in Lisp?
- [5-2] How I write a function that can access defstruct slots by
- name? I would like to write something like
- (STRUCTURE-SLOT <object> '<slot-name>).
- [5-3] How can I list all the CLOS instances in a class?
- [5-4] How can I store data and CLOS instances (with possibly circular
- references) on disk so that they may be retrieved at some later
- time?
- [5-5] Given the name of a class, how can I get the names of its slots?
- FTP Resources (Part 6):
- [6-0] General information about FTP Resources for Lisp and Scheme
- [6-1] Repositories of Lisp Software
- [6-2] Repositories of Scheme Software
- [6-3] Publicly Redistributable Lisp Software
- [6-4] Publicly Redistributable Scheme Software
- [6-5] How can I use the X Window System or other GUIs from Lisp?
- [6-6] Formatting code in LaTeX
- Search for [#] to get to question number # quickly.
- Introduction:
- Certain questions and topics come up frequently in the various network
- discussion groups devoted to and related to Lisp. This file/article is
- an attempt to gather these questions and their answers into a convenient
- reference for Lisp programmers. It (or a reference to it) is posted
- periodically. The hope is that this will cut down on the user time and
- network bandwidth used to post, read and respond to the same questions
- over and over, as well as providing education by answering questions
- some readers may not even have thought to ask.
- This is not a Lisp tutorial, nor is it an exhaustive list of all Lisp
- intricacies. Lisp is a very powerful and expressive language, but with
- that power comes many complexities. This list attempts to address the
- ones that average Lisp programmers are likely to encounter. If you are
- new to Lisp, see the answer to the question "How can I learn Lisp?".
- The latest version of this file is available via anonymous FTP from CMU
- and Thinking Machines:
- To obtain the files from CMU, connect by anonymous ftp to any CMU CS
- machine (e.g., ftp.cs.cmu.edu []), using username
- "anonymous" and password "name@host". The files lisp-faq-1.text,
- lisp-faq-2.text, lisp-faq-3.text, lisp-faq-4.text, lisp-faq-5.text
- and lisp-faq-6.text are located in the directory
- /afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/mkant/Public/Lisp-Utilities/
- [Note: You must cd to this directory in one atomic operation, as
- some of the superior directories on the path are protected from
- access by anonymous ftp.] If your site runs the Andrew File System,
- you can just cp the files directly without bothering with FTP.
- To obtain the files from Thinking Machines, ftp them from ftp.think.com,
- in the directory /public/think/lisp/. The file faq.text contains all the
- parts of the FAQ in one file. In addition, specific versions of the FAQ
- are available as faq-<version>.text.
- Unless otherwise specified, the Lisp dialect referred to is Common Lisp,
- as defined by "Common Lisp: the Language" (aka "CLtL1") as well as
- corrections (but not enhancements) from "Common Lisp: the Language, 2nd
- Edition" (aka "CLtL2"), both by Guy L. Steele, Jr. and published by
- Digital Press. Note that CLtL2 is NOT an official specification for
- the language; ANSI Committee X3J13 is preparing such a specification.
- See question [1-5] for information on the status of the ANSI
- specification for Common Lisp. Enhancements such as CLOS, conditions,
- and the LOOP macro will be referred to separately.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- [1-0] What is the purpose of this newsgroup?
- The newsgroup comp.lang.lisp exists for general discussion of
- topics related to the programming language Lisp. For example, possible
- topics can include (but are not necessarily limited to):
- announcements of Lisp books and products
- discussion of programs and utilities written in Lisp
- discussion of portability issues
- questions about possible bugs in Lisp implementations
- problems porting an implementation to some architecture
- Postings should be of general interest to the Lisp community. See also
- question [4-7].
- Questions about object oriented programming in Lisp should be directed
- to the newsgroup comp.lang.clos. Similarly, questions about the
- programming language Scheme should be directed to the newsgroup
- comp.lang.scheme. Discussion of functional programming language issues
- should be directed to the newsgroup comp.lang.functional. Discussion
- of AI programs implemented in Lisp should sometimes be cross-posted to
- the newsgroup comp.ai.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- [1-1] What documentation is available on Lisp?
- How can I learn Lisp?
- There are several good Lisp introductions and tutorials:
- 1. David S. Touretzky
- "Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation"
- Benjamin/Cummings Publishers, 1990. 384 pages.
- Perhaps the best tutorial introduction to the language. It has
- clear and correct explanations, and covers some fairly advanced
- topics. The book is an updated Common Lisp version of the 1984
- edition published by Harper and Row Publishers.
- Three free Lisp educational tools which were used in the book --
- Evaltrace, DTRACE and SDRAW -- are available by anonymous ftp from
- b.gp.cs.cmu.edu:/usr/dst/public/{lisp,evaltrace}. Evaltrace is a
- graphical notation for explaining how evaluation works and is
- described in "Visualizing Evaluation in Applicative Languages" by
- David S. Touretzky and Peter Lee, CACM 45-59, October 1992. DTRACE
- is a "detailed trace" which provides more information than the
- tracing tools provided with most Common Lisp implementations. SDRAW
- is a program that draws cons cell structures both for X11 and ascii
- terminals.
- 2. Robert Wilensky
- "Common LISPcraft"
- W. W. Norton, 1986. 385 pages.
- 3. Wade L. Hennessey
- "Common Lisp"
- McGraw-Hill, 1989. 395 pages.
- Fairly good, but jumps back and forth from the simple to the
- complex rather quickly, with no clear progression in difficulty.
- 4. Laurent Siklossy
- "Let's Talk LISP"
- Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1976. 237 pages.
- Good introduction, but quite out of date.
- 5. Stuart C. Shapiro
- "Common Lisp: An Interactive Approach"
- Computer Science Press/W.H. Freeman, New York, 1992.
- ISBN 0-7167-8218-9
- Other introductions to Lisp include:
- 1. A. A. Berk.
- "LISP, The Language of Artificial Intelligence"
- Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985. 160 pages.
- 2. Paul Y. Gloess.
- "An Alfred handy guide to Understanding LISP"
- Alfred Publishers (Sherman Oaks, CA), 1982. 64 pages.
- 3. Ward D. Maurer.
- "The Programmer's Introduction to LISP"
- American Elsevier, 1972. 112 pages.
- 4. Hank Bromley and Richard Lamson.
- "LISP Lore: A Guide to Programming the LISP Machine"
- Kluwer Academic (Boston), 1987. 337 pages.
- 5. Sharam Hekmatpour.
- "Introduction to LISP and Symbol Manipulation"
- Prentice Hall (New York), 1988. 303 pages.
- 6. Deborah G. Tatar
- "A programmer's guide to Common Lisp"
- Digital Press, 1987. 327 pages. ISBN 0-932376-87-8.
- Good introduction on Common Lisp.
- 7. Timothy Koschmann
- "The Common Lisp Companion"
- John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
- Targeted for those with some programming experience who wish to
- learn draft-ANSI Common Lisp, including CLOS and the CL condition
- system. Examples progress incrementally from simple numerical
- calculation all the way to a logic-programming extension to CL.
- More advanced introductions to Lisp and its use in Artificial
- Intelligence include:
- 1. Peter Norvig.
- "Paradigms of AI Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp"
- Morgan Kaufmann, 1992. 946 pages. ISBN 1-55860-191-0.
- Provides an in-depth exposition of advanced AI programming techniques
- and includes large-scale detailed examples. The book is the most
- advanced AI/Common-Lisp programming text and reference currently
- available, and hence is not for the complete novice. It focuses on the
- programming techniques necessary for building large AI systems,
- including object-oriented programming, and has a strong performance
- orientation.
- The text is marked by its use of "non-toy" examples to illustrate the
- techniques. All of the examples are written in Common Lisp, and copies
- of the source code are available by anonymous ftp from
- unix.sri.com:pub/norvig and on disk in Macintosh or DOS format from
- the publisher. Some of the techniques described include rule-based
- pattern matching (GPS, Eliza, a subset of Macsyma, the Emycin expert
- system shell), constraint propagation and backtracking (Waltz
- line-labelling), alpha-beta search (Othello), natural language
- processing (top-down, bottom-up and chart parsing), logic-programming
- (unification and Prolog), interpreters and compilers for Scheme, and
- object-oriented programming (CLOS).
- The examples are also used to illustrate good programming style and
- efficiency. There is a guide to trouble-shooting and debugging Lisp
- programs, a style guide, and a discussion of portability problems.
- Some of the efficiency techniques described include memoization,
- data indexing, compilation, delaying computation, proper use of
- declarations, avoiding garbage collection, and choosing and using the
- correct data structure.
- The book also serves as an advanced introduction to Common Lisp, with
- sections on the Loop macro, CLOS and sequences, and some coverage of
- error handling, series, and the package facility.
- 2. Eugene Charniak, Christopher K. Riesbeck, Drew V. McDermott
- and James R. Meehan.
- "Artificial Intelligence Programming", 2nd edition.
- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (Hillsdale, NJ), 1987. 533 pages.
- Provides many nice code fragments, all of which are written
- in Common Lisp. The first half of the book covers topics
- like macros, the reader, data structures, control structures,
- and defstructs. The second half of the book describes
- programming techniques specific to AI, such as
- discrimination nets, production systems, deductive database
- retrieval, logic programming, and truth maintenance.
- 3. Patrick H. Winston and Berthold K. P. Horn.
- "LISP", 3rd edition.
- Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA), 1989. 611 pages. ISBN 0-201-08319-1
- Covers the basic concepts of the language, but also gives a lot
- of detail about programming AI topics such as rule-based expert
- systems, forward chaining, interpreting transition trees,
- compiling transition trees and finding patterns in images. Not
- a tutorial. Has many good examples.
- 4. Rodney A. Brooks.
- "Programming in Common Lisp"
- Wiley, 1985. 303 pages.
- 5. John R. Anderson, Albert T. Corbett, and Brian J. Reiser.
- "Essential LISP"
- Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA), 1987. 352 pages.
- Concentrates on how to use Lisp with iteration and recursion.
- 6. Robert D. Cameron and Anthony H. Dixon
- "Symbolic Computing with Lisp"
- Prentice-Hall, 1992, 326 pages. ISBN 0-13-877846-9.
- The book is intended primarily as a third-year computer science
- text. In terms of programming techniques, it emphasizes recursion
- and induction, data abstraction, grammar-based definition of Lisp
- data structures and functional programming style. It uses
- two Lisp languages:
- (1) a purely functional subset of Lisp called Small Lisp and
- (2) Common Lisp.
- An MS-DOS interpreter for Small Lisp (including source) is
- provided with the book. It considers applications of Lisp
- to formal symbolic data domains: algebraic expressions,
- logical formulas, grammars and programming languages.
- 7. Hasemer and Domingue.
- "Common Lisp Programming for Artificial Intelligence"
- Addison-Wesley, 1989.
- 8. Steven Tanimoto
- "The Elements of Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction Using Lisp"
- Computer Science Press, Rockville, MD, 1987, 530 pages.
- 9. Patrick R. Harrison
- "Common Lisp and Artificial Intelligence"
- Prentice Hall, 1990. ISBN 0-13-155243
- 10. Rajeev Sangal
- "Programming Paradigms in Lisp"
- McGraw-Hill, 1991. ISBN 0-07-054666-5.
- General Lisp reference books include:
- 1. Guy L. Steele
- "Common Lisp: The Language" [CLtL1]
- Digital Press, 1984. 465 pages. ISBN 0-932376-41-X.
- 2. Guy L. Steele
- "Common Lisp: The Language, 2nd Edition" [CLtL2]
- Digital Press, 1990. 1029 pages. ISBN 1-55558-041-6.
- 3. Franz Inc.
- "Common Lisp: The Reference"
- Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1988. ISBN 0-201-11458-5
- Entries on lisp functions in alphabetical order.
- 4. K. Dybvig.
- "The Scheme programming language"
- Prentice Hall, 1987.
- Good reference for Scheme.
- Lisp periodicals include:
- 1. LISP Pointers.
- Published by ACM SIGPLAN six times a year. Volume 1, Number 1
- was April-May 1987.
- 2. LISP and Symbolic Computation, Kluwer Academic Press. Volume 1
- was published in 1989. (jlz@lucid.com is the editor). ISSN 0892-4635.
- Subscriptions: Institutions $169; Individuals $80. Add $8 for
- air mail. Kluwer Academic Publishers, PO Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht,
- The Netherlands, or Kluwer Academic Publishers, PO Box 358, Accord
- Station, Hingham, MA 02018-0358.
- 3. Proceedings of the biannual ACM Lisp and Functional Programming
- Conference. (First one was in 1980.)
- 4. Proceedings of the annual Lisp Users and Vendors Conference.
- Implementation-specific questions:
- 1. Lucid. See the wizards.doc file that comes with the Lucid
- release. It describes functions, macros, variables and constants that
- are not official parts of the product and are not supported.
- Constructs described in this file include: the interrupt facility, the
- source file recording facility, the resource facility, multitasking,
- writing your own streams, lisp pipes, i/o buffers, the compiler,
- floating-point functions, memory management, debugger information, the
- window tool kit, extensions to the editor, the foreign function
- interface, clos information, delivery toolkit information, and Lucid
- lisp training classes. The wizards.doc file also covers i/o
- constructs, functions for dealing with DEFSTRUCT, functions and
- constants for dealing with procedure objects, functions and constants
- for dealing with code objects, function for mapping objects,
- additional keyword argument to DISKSAVE, function used in the
- implementation of arrays, function for monitor-specific behavior for a
- process, additional keyword argument to RUN-PROGRAM, and load-time
- evaluation.
- Introductions to Scheme (Many books on Scheme are worth reading
- even if you use Common Lisp, because many of the issues are similar):
- 1. Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, with Julie Sussman.
- "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
- MIT Press (Cambridge, MA) and McGraw-Hill (New York), 1985.
- 542 pages. ISBN 0-262-01077-1
- Starts off introductory, but rapidly gets into powerful
- Lisp-particular constructs, such as using closures and
- engines, building interpreters, compilers and
- object-oriented systems.
- 2. Daniel P. Friedman and M. Felleisen.
- "The Little LISPer"
- MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 3rd printing, 1989. ISBN 0-262-56038-0.
- Science Research Associates (Chicago), 3rd ed, 1989. 206 pages.
- Good for a quick introduction. Uses Scheme instead of
- Common Lisp. (The book uses a dialect of Scheme with
- footnotes about translating to Scheme or Common Lisp. The
- footnotes won't allow a non-expert to use Common Lisp for
- the advanced chapters because of the complexity.)
- 3. George Springer and Daniel P. Friedman
- "Scheme and the Art of Programming"
- MIT Press and McGraw Hill, 1990, 596 pages.
- Introduces basic concepts of programming in Scheme. Also deals
- with object oriented programming, co-routining, continuations.
- Gives numerous examples.
- 4. Wolfgang Kreutzer and Bruce McKenzie
- "Programming for Artificial Intelligence:
- Methods, Tools and Applications"
- Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA), 1990. 682 pages.
- ISBN 0-201-41621-2.
- Discusses Scheme, Prolog, and Smalltalk, gives an overview of
- the history and philosophy of AI, surveys three major
- programming paradigms (procedural, declarative, and
- object-oriented), and metaphors to AI programming.
- 5. Smith
- "Introduction to Scheme"
- 1988.
- Focuses on PC Scheme.
- 6. Michael Eisenberg
- "Programming in Scheme"
- Scientific Press (Redwood City, CA), 1988. 304 pages.
- 7. The Ken Dickey article, "The Scheme Programming Language", in
- COMPUTER LANGUAGES magazine, and the Revised^4 Report on the
- Algorithmic Language Scheme, both of which are available by anonymous
- ftp from the scheme archive at nexus.yorku.ca.
- 8. Two articles in BYTE Magazine, February 1988, by Abelson and
- Sussman, and Clinger.
- 9. The Info files from the MIT Scheme implementation.
- Special Topics:
- Garbage Collection:
- Wilson, Paul R., "Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques"
- Proceedings of the 1992 International Workshop on Memory Management.
- Surveys garbage collection techniques. Available by anonymous ftp from
- cs.utexas.edu:pub/garbage/gcsurvey.ps. Contact wilson@cs.utexas.edu
- for more info.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- [1-2] How can I improve my Lisp programming style and coding efficiency?
- There are several books about Lisp programming style, including:
- 1. Molly M. Miller and Eric Benson
- "Lisp Style and Design"
- Digital Press, 1990. 214 pages. ISBN 1-55558-044-0.
- How to write large Lisp programs and improve Lisp programming
- style. Uses the development of Lucid CL as an example.
- 2. Robin Jones, Clive Maynard, and Ian Stewart.
- "The Art of Lisp Programming"
- Springer-Verlag, 1989. 169 pages.
- 3. W. Richard Stark.
- "LISP, Lore, and Logic: an algebraic view of LISP
- programming, foundations, and applications"
- Springer-Verlag, 1990. 278 pages. ISBN 0-387-97072-X
- Self-modifying code, self-reproducing programs, etc.
- 4. CMU CL User's Manual, Chapter 7, (talks about writing
- efficient code). It is available by anonymous ftp from any CMU CS
- machine (e.g., ftp.cs.cmu.edu []) as the file
- /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/clisp/docs/cmu-user/cmu-user.ps
- [when getting this file by anonymous ftp, one must cd to
- the directory in one atomic operation, as some of the superior
- directories on the path are protected from access by anonymous ftp.]
- 5. See also Norvig's book, SICP (Abelson & Sussman), SAP
- (Springer and Friedman).
- 6. Hallvard Tretteberg's Lisp Style Guide is available by anonymous
- ftp in ftp.think.com:/public/think/lisp/style-guide.text. There is
- a fair bit of overlap between Hallvard's style guide and the notes
- below and in part 3 of this FAQ.
- Here are some general suggestions/notes about improving Lisp
- programming style, readability, correctness and efficiency:
- General Programming Style Rules:
- - Write short functions, where each function provides a single,
- well-defined operation. Small functions are easier to
- read, write, test, debug, and understand.
- - Use descriptive variable and function names. If it isn't clear
- from the name of a function or variable what its purpose is,
- document it with a documentation string and a comment. In fact,
- even if the purpose is evident from the name, it is still worth
- documenting your code.
- - Don't write Pascal (or C) code in Lisp. Use the appropriate
- predefined functions -- look in the index to CLtL2, or use the
- APROPOS and DESCRIBE functions. Don't put a close parenthesis
- on a line by itself -- this can really aggravate programmers
- who grew up on Lisp. Lisp-oriented text editors include tools
- for ensuring balanced parentheses and for moving across
- pairs of balanced parentheses.
- - Use proper indentation -- you should be able to understand
- the structure of your definitions without noticing the parentheses.
- The following functions often abused or misunderstood by novices.
- Think twice before using any of these functions.
- - EVAL. Novices almost always misuse EVAL. When experts use
- EVAL, they often would be better off using APPLY, FUNCALL, or
- SYMBOL-VALUE. Use of EVAL when defining a macro should set off
- a warning bell -- macro definitions are already evaluated
- during expansion. See also the answer to question 3-12.
- - PROGV. PROGV binds dynamic variables and is often misused in
- conjunction with EVAL, which uses the dynamic environment.
- In general, avoid unnecessary use of special variables.
- PROGV is mainly for writing interpreters for languages embedded
- in Lisp. If you want to bind a list of values to a list of
- lexical variables, use
- or
- instead. Most decent compilers can optimize this expression.
- However, use of this idiom is not to be encouraged unless absolutely
- necessary.
- - CATCH and THROW. Often a named BLOCK and RETURN-FROM are
- more appropriate. Use UNWIND-PROTECT when necessary.
- - Destructive operations, such as NCONC, SORT, DELETE,
- RPLACA, and RPLACD, should be used carefully and sparingly.
- In general, trust the garbage collector: allocate new
- data structures when you need them.
- To improve the readability of your code,
- - Don't use any C{A,D}R functions with more than two
- letters between the C and the R. When nested, they become
- hard to read. If you have complex data structures, you
- are often better off describing them with a DEFSTRUCT,
- even if the type is LIST. If you must use C{A,D}R, try to
- use destructuring-bind instead, or at least SECOND, THIRD,
- NTH, NTHCDR, etc.
- - Use COND instead of IF and PROGN. In general, don't use PROGN if
- there is a way to write the code within an implicit
- PROGN. For example,
- (IF (FOO X)
- (PROGN (PRINT "hi there") 23)
- 34)
- should be written using COND instead.
- - Never use a 2-argument IF or a 3-argument IF with a second
- argument of NIL unless you want to emphasize the return value;
- use WHEN and UNLESS instead. You will want to emphasize the
- return value when the IF clause is embedded within a SETQ,
- such as (SETQ X (IF (EQ Y Z) 2 NIL)). If the second argument
- to IF is the same as the first, use OR instead: (OR P Q) rather
- than (IF P P Q). Use UNLESS instead of (WHEN (NOT ..) ..)
- but not instead of (WHEN (NULL ..) ..).
- - Use COND instead of nested IF statements. Be sure to check for
- unreachable cases, and eliminate those cond-clauses.
- - Use backquote, rather than explicit calls to LIST, CONS, and
- APPEND, whenever writing a form which produces a Lisp form, but
- not as a general substitute for LIST, CONS and APPEND. LIST,
- CONS and APPEND usually allocate new storage, but lists produced
- by backquote may involve destructive modification (e.g., ,.).
- - Make the names of special (global) variables begin and end
- with an asterisk (*): (DEFVAR *GLOBAL-VARIABLE*)
- Some programmers will mark the beginning and end of an internal
- global variable with a percent (%) or a period (.).
- Make the names of constants begin and end with a plus (+):
- (DEFCONSTANT +E+ 2.7182818)
- This helps distinguish them from lexical variables. Some people
- prefer to use macros to define constants, since this avoids
- the problem of accidentally trying to bind a symbol declared
- with defconstant.
- - If your program is built upon an underlying substrate which is
- implementation-dependent, consider naming those functions and
- macros in a way that visually identifies them, either by placing
- them in their own package, or prepending a character like a %, .,
- or ! to the function name. Note that many programmers use the
- $ as a macro character for slot access, so it should be avoided
- unless you're using it for that purpose.
- - Don't use property lists. Instead, use an explicit hash table.
- This helps avoid problems caused by the symbol being in the wrong
- package, accidental reuse of property keys from other
- programs, and allows you to customize the structure of the table.
- - Use the most specific construct that does the job. This lets
- readers of the code see what you intended when writing the code.
- For example, don't use SETF if SETQ will do (e.g., for lexical
- variables). Use the most specific predicate to test your conditions.
- If you intend for a function to be a predicate, have it return T
- for true, not just non-NIL.
- - When NIL is used as an empty list, use () in your code. When NIL
- is used as a boolean, use NIL. Similarly, use NULL to test for an
- empty list, NOT to test a logical value. Use ENDP to test for the
- end of a list, not NULL.
- - Don't use the &AUX lambda-list keyword. It is always clearer to
- define local variables using LET or LET*.
- - When using RETURN and RETURN-FROM to exit from a block, don't
- use (VALUES ..) when returning only one value, except if you
- are using it to suppress extra multiple values from the first
- argument.
- - If you want a function to return no values (i.e., equivalent to
- VOID in C), use (VALUES) to return zero values. This signals
- to the reader that the function is used mainly for side-effects.
- - (VALUES (VALUES 1 2 3)) returns only the first value, 1.
- You can use (VALUES (some-multiple-value-function ..)) to suppress
- the extra multiple values from the function. Use MULTIPLE-VALUE-PROG1
- instead of PROG1 when the multiple values are significant.
- on the fact that NIL is used when values are missing. This is
- an error in some implementations of DESTRUCTURING-BIND. Instead,
- make sure that your function always returns the proper number of
- values.
- Documentation:
- - Comment your code. Use three semicolons in the left margin before
- the definition for major explanations. Use two semicolons that
- float with the code to explain the routine that follows. Two
- semicolons may also be used to explain the following line when the
- comment is too long for the single semicolon treatment. Use
- a single semicolon to the right of the code to explain a particular
- line with a short comment. The number of semicolons used roughly
- corresponds with the length of the comment. Put at least one blank
- line before and after top-level expressions.
- - Include documentation strings in your code. This lets users
- get help while running your program without having to resort to
- the source code or printed documentation.
- Issues related to macros:
- - Never use a macro instead of a function for efficiency reasons.
- Declaim the function as inline -- for example,
- This is *not* a magic bullet -- be forewarned that inline
- expansions can often increase the code size dramatically. INLINE
- should be used only for short functions where the tradeoff is
- likely to be worthwhile: inner loops, types that the compiler
- might do something smart with, and so on.
- - When defining a macro that provides an implicit PROGN, use the
- &BODY lambda-list keyword instead of &REST.
- - Use gensyms for bindings within a macro, unless the macro lets
- the user explicitly specify the variable. For example:
- (defmacro foo ((iter-var list) body-form &body body)
- (let ((result (gensym "RESULT")))
- `(let ((,result nil))
- (dolist (,iter-var ,list ,result)
- (setq ,result ,body-form)
- (when ,result
- ,@body)))))
- This avoids errors caused by collisions during macro expansion
- between variable names used in the macro definition and in the
- supplied body.
- - Use a DO- prefix in the name of a macro that does some kind of
- iteration, WITH- when the macro establishes bindings, and
- DEFINE- or DEF- when the macro creates some definitions. Don't
- use the prefix MAP- in macro names, only in function names.
- - Don't create a new iteration macro when an existing function
- or macro will do.
- - Don't define a macro where a function definition will work just
- as well -- remember, you can FUNCALL or MAPCAR a function but
- not a macro.
- - The LOOP and SERIES macros generate efficient code. If you're
- writing a new iteration macro, consider learning to use one
- of them instead.
- File Modularization:
- - If your program involves macros that are used in more than one
- file, it is generally a good idea to put such macros in a separate
- file that gets loaded before the other files. The same things applies
- to primitive functions. If a macro is complicated, the code that
- defines the macro should be put into a file by itself. In general, if
- a set of definitions form a cohesive and "independent" whole, they
- should be put in a file by themselves, and maybe even in their own
- package. It isn't unusual for a large Lisp program to have files named
- "site-dependent-code", "primitives.lisp", and "macros.lisp". If a file
- contains primarily macros, put "-macros" in the name of the file.
- Stylistic preferences:
- - Use (SETF (CAR ..) ..) and (SETF (CDR ..) ..) in preference to
- RPLACA and RPLACD. Likewise (SETF (GET ..) ..) instead of PUT.
- - Use INCF, DECF, PUSH and POP instead instead of the corresponding
- SETF forms.
- - Many programmers religiously avoid using CATCH, THROW, BLOCK,
- PROG, GO and TAGBODY. Tags and go-forms should only be necessary
- to create extremely unusual and complicated iteration constructs. In
- almost every circumstance, a ready-made iteration construct or
- recursive implementation is more appropriate.
- - Don't use LET* where LET will do. Don't use LABELS where FLET
- will do. Don't use DO* where DO will do.
- - Don't use DO where DOTIMES or DOLIST will do.
- - If you like using MAPCAR instead of DO/DOLIST, use MAPC when
- no result is needed -- it's more efficient, since it doesn't
- cons up a list. If a single cumulative value is required, use
- REDUCE. If you are seeking a particular element, use FIND,
- - If using REMOVE and DELETE to filter a sequence, don't use the
- :test-not keyword or the REMOVE-IF-NOT or DELETE-IF-NOT functions.
- Use COMPLEMENT to complement the predicate and the REMOVE-IF
- or DELETE-IF functions instead.
- - Use complex numbers to represent points in a plane.
- - Don't use lists where vectors are more appropriate. Accessing the
- nth element of a vector is faster than finding the nth element
- of a list, since the latter requires pointer chasing while the
- former requires simple addition. Vectors also take up less space
- than lists. Use adjustable vectors with fill-pointers to
- implement a stack, instead of a list -- using a list continually
- conses and then throws away the conses.
- - When adding an entry to an association list, use ACONS, not
- two calls to CONS. This makes it clear that you're using an alist.
- - If your association list has more than about 10 entries in it,
- consider using a hash table. Hash tables are often more efficient.
- - When you don't need the full power of CLOS, consider using
- structures instead. They are often faster, take up less space, and
- easier to use.
- - Use PRINT-UNREADABLE-OBJECT when writing a print-function.
- - Use WITH-OPEN-FILE instead of OPEN and CLOSE.
- - When a HANDLER-CASE clause is executed, the stack has already
- unwound, so dynamic bindings that existed when the error
- occured may no longer exist when the handler is run. Use
- HANDLER-BIND if you need this.
- - When using CASE and TYPECASE forms, if you intend for the form
- to return NIL when all cases fail, include an explicit OTHERWISE
- clause. If it would be an error to return NIL when all cases
- fail, use ECASE, CCASE, ETYPECASE or CTYPECASE instead.
- - Use local variables in preference to global variables whenever
- possible. Do not use global variables in lieu of parameter passing.
- Global variables can be used in the following circumstances:
- * When one function needs to affect the operation of
- another, but the second function isn't called by the first.
- (For example, *load-pathname* and *break-on-warnings*.)
- * When a called function needs to affect the current or future
- operation of the caller, but it doesn't make sense to accomplish
- this by returning multiple values.
- * To provide hooks into the mechanisms of the program.
- (For example, *evalhook*, *, /, and +.)
- * Parameters which, when their value is changed, represent a
- major change to the program.
- (For example, *print-level* and *print-readably*.)
- * For state that persists between invocations of the program.
- Also, for state which is used by more than one major program.
- (For example, *package*, *readtable*, *gensym-counter*.)
- * To provide convenient information to the user.
- (For example, *version* and *features*.)
- * To provide customizable defaults.
- (For example, *default-pathname-defaults*.)
- * When a value affects major portions of a program, and passing
- this value around would be extremely awkward. (The example
- here is output and input streams for a program. Even when
- the program passes the stream around as an argument, if you
- want to redirect all output from the program to a different
- stream, it is much easier to just rebind the global variable.)
- Correctness and efficiency issues:
- - In CLtL2, IN-PACKAGE does not evaluate its argument. Use defpackage
- to define a package and declare the external (exported)
- symbols from the package.
- - The ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE-LIMIT may be as small as 1024, and the
- CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT may be as small as 50.
- - Novices often mistakenly quote the conditions of a CASE form.
- For example, (case x ('a 3) ..) is incorrect. It would return
- 3 if x were the symbol QUOTE. Use (case x (a 3) ..) instead.
- - Avoid using APPLY to flatten lists. (apply #'append list-of-lists)
- is compiled into a function call, and can run into problems with
- (reduce #'append list-of-lists :from-end t)
- (mapcan #'copy-list list-of-lists)
- The second will often be more efficient (see note below about choosing
- the right algorithm). Beware of calls like (apply f (mapcar ..)).
- - NTH must cdr down the list to reach the elements you are
- interested in. If you don't need the structural flexibility of
- lists, try using vectors and the ELT function instead.
- - Don't use quoted constants where you might later destructively
- modify them. For example, instead of writing '(c d) in
- (defun foo ()
- (let ((var '(c d)))
- ..))
- write (list 'c 'd) instead. Using a quote here can lead to
- unexpected results later. If you later destructively modify the
- value of var, this is self-modifying code! Some Lisp compilers
- will complain about this, since they like to make constants
- read-only. Modifying constants has undefined results in ANSI CL.
- See also the answer to question [3-13].
- Similarly, beware of shared list structure arising from the use
- of backquote. Any sublist in a backquoted expression that doesn't
- contain any commas can share with the original source structure.
- - Don't proclaim unsafe optimizations, such as
- (proclaim '(optimize (safety 0) (speed 3) (space 1)))
- since this yields a global effect. Instead, add the
- optimizations as local declarations to small pieces of
- well-tested, performance-critical code:
- (defun well-tested-function ()
- (declare (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3) (space 1)))
- ..)
- Such optimizations can remove run-time type-checking; type-checking
- is necessary unless you've very carefully checked your code
- and added all the appropriate type declarations.
- - Some programmers feel that you shouldn't add declarations to
- code until it is fully debugged, because incorrect
- declarations can be an annoying source of errors. They recommend
- using CHECK-TYPE liberally instead while you are developing the code.
- On the other hand, if you add declarations to tell the
- compiler what you think your code is doing, the compiler can
- then tell you when your assumptions are incorrect.
- Declarations also make it easier for another programmer to read
- your code.
- - Don't change the compiler optimization with an OPTIMIZE
- proclamation or declaration until the code is fully debugged
- and profiled. When first writing code you should say
- (declare (optimize (safety 3))) regardless of the speed setting.
- - Depending on the optimization level of the compiler, type
- declarations are interpreted either as (1) a guarantee from
- you that the variable is always bound to values of that type,
- or (2) a desire that the compiler check that the variable is
- always bound to values of that type. Use CHECK-TYPE if (2) is
- your intention.
- - If you get warnings about unused variables, add IGNORE
- declarations if appropriate or fix the problem. Letting such
- warnings stand is a sloppy coding practice.
- To produce efficient code,
- - choose the right algorithm. For example, consider seven possible
- implementations of COPY-LIST:
- (defun copy-list (list)
- (let ((result nil))
- (dolist (item list result)
- (setf result (append result (list item))))))
- (defun copy-list (list)
- (let ((result nil))
- (dolist (item list (nreverse result))
- (push item result))))
- (defun copy-list (list)
- (mapcar #'identity list))
- (defun copy-list (list)
- (let ((result (make-list (length list))))
- (do ((original list (cdr original))
- (new result (cdr new)))
- ((null original) result)
- (setf (car new) (car original)))))
- (defun copy-list (list)
- (when list
- (let* ((result (list (car list)))
- (tail-ptr result))
- (dolist (item (cdr list) result)
- (setf (cdr tail-ptr) (list item))
- (setf tail-ptr (cdr tail-ptr))))))
- (defun copy-list (list)
- (loop for item in list collect item))
- (defun copy-list (list)
- (if (consp list)
- (cons (car list)
- (copy-list (cdr list)))
- list))
- The first uses APPEND to tack the elements onto the end of the list.
- Since APPEND must traverse the entire partial list at each step, this
- yields a quadratic running time for the algorithm. The second
- implementation improves on this by iterating down the list twice; once
- to build up the list in reverse order, and the second time to reverse
- it. The efficiency of the third depends on the Lisp implementation,
- but it is usually similar to the second, as is the fourth. The fifth
- algorithm, however, iterates down the list only once. It avoids the
- extra work by keeping a pointer (reference) to the last cons of the
- list and RPLACDing onto the end of that. Use of the fifth algorithm
- may yield a speedup. Note that this contradicts the earlier dictum to
- avoid destructive functions. To make more efficient code one might
- selectively introduce destructive operations in critical sections of
- code. Nevertheless, the fifth implementation may be less efficient in
- Lisps with cdr-coding, since it is more expensive to RPLACD cdr-coded
- lists. Depending on the implementation of nreverse, however,
- the fifth and second implementations may be doing the same
- amount of work. The sixth example uses the Loop macro, which usually
- expands into code similar to the third. The seventh example copies
- dotted lists, and runs in linear time. It's equivalent to the other
- linear-time examples in a lisp that is properly tail-recursive.
- - use type declarations liberally in time-critical code, but
- only if you are a seasoned Lisp programmer. Appropriate type
- declarations help the compiler generate more specific and
- optimized code. It also lets the reader know what assumptions
- were made. For example, if you only use fixnum arithmetic,
- adding declarations can lead to a significant speedup. If you
- are a novice Lisp programmer, you should use type declarations
- sparingly, as there may be no checking to see if the
- declarations are correct. Wrong declarations can lead to errors
- in otherwise correct code, and can limit the reuse of code
- in other contexts. Depending on the Lisp compiler, it may also
- be necessary to declare the type of results using THE, since
- some compilers don't deduce the result type from the inputs.
- - check the code produced by the compiler by using the
- disassemble function
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- [1-3] Where can I learn about implementing Lisp interpreters and compilers?
- Books about Lisp implementation include:
- 1. John Allen
- "Anatomy of Lisp"
- McGraw-Hill, 1978. 446 pages. ISBN 0-07-001115-X
- 2. Samuel Kamin
- "Programming Languages, An Interpreter-Based Approach"
- Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-06824-9
- Includes sources to several interpreters for Lisp-like
- languages, and a pointer to sources via anonymous ftp.
- 3. Sharam Hekmatpour
- "Lisp: A Portable Implementation"
- Prentice Hall, 1985. ISBN 0-13-537490-X.
- Describes a portable implementation of a small dynamic
- Lisp interpreter (including C source code).
- 4. Peter Henderson
- "Functional Programming: Application and Implementation"
- Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ), 1980. 355 pages.
- 5. Peter M. Kogge
- "The Architecture of Symbolic Computers"
- McGraw-Hill, 1991. ISBN 0-07-035596-7.
- Includes sections on memory management, the SECD and
- Warren Abstract Machines, and overviews of the various
- Lisp Machine architectures.
- 6. Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand, and Christopher T. Haynes
- "Essentials of Programming Languages"
- MIT Press, 1992, 536 pages. ISBN 0-262-06145-7.
- Teaches fundamental concepts of programming language
- design by using small interpreters as examples. Covers
- most of the features of Scheme. Includes a discussion
- of parameter passing techniques, object oriented languages,
- and techniques for transforming interpreters to allow
- their implementation in terms of any low-level language.
- Also discusses scanners, parsers, and the derivation of
- a compiler and virtual machine from an interpreter.
- Source files available by anonymous ftp from cs.indiana.edu
- in the directory /pub/eopl (
- 7. Also see the proceedings of the biannual ACM Lisp and
- Functional Programming conferences, and the implementation
- notes for CMU Common Lisp.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- [1-4] What does CLOS, PCL, X3J13, CAR, CDR, ... mean?
- Glossary of acronyms:
- CAR Originally meant "Contents of Address portion of Register",
- which is what CAR actually did on the IBM 704.
- CDR Originally meant "Contents of Decrement portion of
- Register", which is what CDR actually did
- on the IBM 704. Pronounced "Cudder".
- LISP Originally from "LISt Processing"
- GUI Graphical User Interface
- CLOS Common Lisp Object System. The object oriented
- programming standard for Common Lisp. Based on
- Symbolics FLAVORS and Xerox LOOPS, among others.
- Pronounced either as "See-Loss" or "Closs". See also PCL.
- PCL Portable Common Loops. A portable CLOS implementation.
- Available by anonymous ftp from parcftp.xerox.com:pcl/.
- LOOPS Lisp Object Oriented Programming System. A predecessor
- to CLOS on Xerox Lisp machines.
- X3J13 Subcommittee of the ANSI committee X3 which is
- working on the ANSI Standardization of Common Lisp.
- ANSI American National Standards Institute
- CL Common Lisp
- SC22/WG16 The full name is ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 16. It stands
- for International Organization for
- Standardization/International Electronics(?)
- Congress(?) Joint Technical Committee 1, Subcommittee 22,
- Working Group 16. This long-winded name is the ISO
- working group working on an international Lisp standard,
- (i.e., the ISO analogue to X3J13).
- CLtL1 First edition of Guy Steele's book,
- "Common Lisp the Language".
- CLtL2 Second edition of Guy Steele's book,
- "Common Lisp the Language".
- SICP Abelson and Sussman's book "Structure and
- Interpretation of Computer Programs".
- SCOOPS An experimental object-oriented programming
- language for Scheme.
- R3RS Revised^3 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.
- R4RS Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- [1-5] Where can I get a copy of the draft ANSI standard for Common Lisp?
- The draft proposed American National Standard for Common Lisp is under
- public review until November 23, 1992.
- Hard copies of the draft may be purchased from Global Engineering
- Documents, Inc., 2805 McGaw Avenue, Irvine, CA 92714, 1-800-854-7179,
- 714-261-1455 for a single copy price of $80 ($104 international).
- Copies of the TeX sources and Unix-compressed DVI files may be
- obtained by anonymous FTP from parcftp.xerox.com in the directory
- /pub/cl/document/*. The file Reviewer-Notes.text should be read before
- ftp'ing the other files.
- There is no mechanism for submitting Public Review comments by e-mail.
- Comments on the draft must be submitted in hard copy format BOTH to X3
- Secretariat, Attn: Lynn Barra, 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200,
- Washington, DC 20005-3922 AND to American National Standards Institute,
- Attn: BSR Center, 11 West 42nd St. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- [1-6] Lisp Job Postings
- The LISP-JOBS mailing list exists to help programmers find Lisp
- programming positions, and to help companies with Lisp programming
- positions find capable Lisp programmers. (Lisp here means Lisp-like
- languages, including Scheme.)
- Material appropriate for the list includes Lisp job announcements and
- resumes from Lisp programmers (which should be sent only once) should
- be sent to lisp-jobs@amc.com. Administrative requests (e.g., to be
- added to the list) should be sent to lisp-jobs-request@amc.com.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;; ********************************
- ;;; Change Log *********************
- ;;; ********************************
- ;;; Date Who Ver Reason
- ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;; 7-FEB-92 mk 1.0 Initial release.
- ;;; 10-FEB-92 mk 1.1 Pre-release corrections and additions.
- ;;; 10-FEB-92 mk 1.11 Minor changes from Arun Welch, Mitch Marks,
- ;;; Mike Meyer, Matthias Felleisen, and John Gateley.
- ;;; 11-FEB-92 mk 1.12 Corrections by John Carroll, Jason Trenouth, Joel
- ;;; Riedesel, David Neves, Lawrence Mayka and
- ;;; Bruce Miller.
- ;;; 13-FEB-92 mk 1.13 Renumbering. Split into 3 files. Some more FAQs.
- ;;; 23-MAR-92 mk 1.14 Updated various FTP entries, bug in EXPLODE.
- ;;; Updated harlequin entry.
- ;;; 25-MAR-92 mk 1.15 Added question [2-18]: saving data and CLOS
- ;;; instances to disk for later retrieval.
- ;;; 1-MAY-92 mk 1.17 Added entry for Feel to question [1-5]. Updated CMU
- ;;; ftp machines to point to ftp.cs.cmu.edu. Fixed CMU
- ;;; CL entry to be approximately version independent.
- ;;; Revised entry on Garnet. uunet.uu.net -> ftp.uu.net
- ;;; 12-MAY-92 mk 1.18 Split questions 1-5, 1-6, and 1-7 into part 4,
- ;;; which is now cross-posted to comp.lang.scheme, and
- ;;; questions 1-8, 2-3, 2-9 and 2-18 into part 5 which
- ;;; is now cross-posted to comp.lang.clos.
- ;;; Added detail to Norvig entry in 1-1.
- ;;; Updated entries for several Lisp implementations.
- ;;; 26-MAY-92 mk 1.19 Changed 5-2 on the basis of comments by Jeff Greif.
- ;;; 29-MAY-92 mk 1.20 Added question [2-17] about lisp sockets.
- ;;; 16-JUN-92 mk 1.21 Moved the question about object oriented
- ;;; programming references to part 5 of the FAQ.
- ;;; Entry on Dylan. Addition to MIT Scheme entry
- ;;; regarding Schematik.
- ;;; 22-JUN-92 mk Updated SOAR entry.
- ;;; 24-JUN-92 mk Fixed MCL entry to note that CLIM is available
- ;;; from ILA, not via Apple.
- ;;; 25-JUN-92 mk 1.22 Added question [2-18].
- ;;; 17-JUL-92 mk Added entry on PSD (Portable Scheme Debugger).
- ;;; 20-JUL-92 mk Updated entry on T3.1
- ;;; 30-JUL-92 mk Added entry on XIT to question 2-2.
- ;;; 3-AUG-92 mk Updated PC-Scheme entry (bought by Ibuki).
- ;;; 6-AUG-92 mk 1.23 Merged in Jeff Dalton's pitfalls list.
- ;;; 19-AUG-92 mk Added entry on FOCL. Move three questions from
- ;;; part 2 to part 3, to keep part 2 under 64k.
- ;;; 26-AUG-92 mk Added some items from Hallvard Tretteberg's
- ;;; Lisp style guide.
- ;;; 31-AUG-92 mk 1.24 Updated entries for CMU CL and SIOD.
- ;;; 8-SEP-92 mk Added entry on VSCM to part 4. Added entry on
- ;;; Pixie Scheme, Help, and Le-Lisp.
- ;;; 14-SEP-92 mk Fixed Symbolics entry. Added entry on CLIM-library.
- ;;; 15-SEP-92 mk Updated MIT C-Scheme entry.
- ;;; 17-SEP-92 mk Added entry on Lisp-Jobs. Fixed Le-Lisp entry.
- ;;; Added 3-15.
- ;;; 23-SEP-92 mk Added entry on COLAB to ftp resources.
- ;;; Added entry on WCL to Part 4.
- ;;; 30-SEP-92 mk Added entry on Dr. Dobb's lisp-style C extensions.
- ;;; Updated entry on Friedman/Wand/Haynes' book.
- ;;; 9-OCT-92 mk 1.25 Updated Chez Scheme entry.
- ;;; Added entry on extracting the function name from
- ;;; the function object, provided by Kerry Koitzsch.
- ;;; 14-OCT-92 mk 1.26 Split off the ftp resources question from Part 2
- ;;; into its own file, now labels Part 6.
- ;;; Broke up the question into smaller pieces
- ;;; and reorganized it too. Reorganized Part 4.
- ;;; 20-OCT-92 mk Added description of Koschmann text,
- ;;; thanks to L. Mayka.
- ;;; 27-OCT-92 mk 1.27 Added question 6-6 about formatting code in LaTeX.
- ;;; 3-NOV-92 mk Added comment on file modularization to 1-2.
- ;;; Added note on the CLOS code repository to
- ;;; 6-1.
- ;;; 5-NOV-92 mk Added info on Lucid benchmark programs in the
- ;;; goodies/ directory. Also the Lucid
- ;;; wizards.doc file.
- ;;; 11-NOV-92 mk Added entry on Karlsruhe CLISP to 4-0.
- ;;; 13-NOV-92 mk Added entry on ARS MAGNA to part 6, subsection Planning
- ;;; Testbeds.
- ;;; 17-NOV-92 mk Added entry on GECO and GAL to 6-3.
- ;;; 17-NOV-92 mk Updated prices in Allegro CL entry.
- ;;; 24-NOV-92 mk Added entry on the automatic memoization facility
- ;;; to part 6.
- ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;; *EOF*